Gillingham July 2016

Text by Sophie Llewellen
Sunday morning and it was the day of the competition! I had plenty of time to do my hair and makeup before suddenly realizing what the time was and rushing out the house together with three bags and my costumes. Having kindly been given a lift from Dancerite’s wonderful teachers, Vicki and Fredric, I arrived at the sports center feeling excited and filled with adrenaline, due to the competition ahead but also after listening to some classic rock anthems on the way. BARRACUDA!!!
After meeting everyone outside in the corridor and finishing getting ready, we all entered the hall and gradually the number of adults in sparkly costumes increased. It all seemed to go very quickly; numbers were being handed out, practice music came on and then suddenly it was my turn to dance! This was my first competition and I was a bit nervous as I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but as I was partner sharing I had about thirty seconds to soak it all in! The tango went by in a blur and before I knew it the dance had finished and we were walking off the floor.
The solo ballroom competitions then continued all the way up to the awards level and then it was time for the call backs. Sadly I wasn’t called back, however I wasn’t too disappointed as it was my first competition and the two girls that I had danced with were both recalled to the finals!
Next it was couples ballroom, and most of the team were able to pair up and perform. I was partnered with Adrian and we had a quick run-through of the waltz together before it was time for us to go on. I was a bit nervous about doing the tango but for this dance I was shaking! Adrian was silver standard and I didn’t want to let him down! I remember Diana telling me to smile before we went on, and something that is usually so simple became a huge challenge! However, as we swept past the team from Dancerite cheering us on, my confidence increased and they had me grinning instantly.
I really enjoyed watching people from Dancerite dance together in the couples round, but before long it was time for Latin. I had to run and get changed as it was back to social dance test, and it was straight into the jive. I had a lot of fun, sadly again I wasn’t recalled but the experience had been invaluable. For my first competition I had had such a positive time, and what had really made the difference was the camaraderie and support from everyone in Dancerite. From helping me with my makeup, to giving me tips and cheering me on, they couldn’t have made me feel more welcome.
After a great day, Dancerite came back with many successes and happy dancers! I definitely want to carry on competing and can’t wait for the next competition!